General information

General details

VAT number: A-67077628
Abbreviated name: ADVERO
Sector: Real Estate
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 894500UVDHRPSXBSDU17

Share capital

Number of shares: 5,789,924
Par value: 5 euros/share
Share capital: 28,949,620 euros
Number of attributed voting rights: 5,789,924
Number of shares required for each voting right: 1
Number of issued warrants: 2.000.000

Stock market trading

Share identification number (ISIN): ES0105448007
Incorporation to trading: November 8, 2019
Market: BME MTF Equity
Trading ticker: YADV

Listing prospectus is currently only available in Spanish.

Shareholding structure as of December 31, 2023:

Hermandad Nacional de Arquitectos, Arquitectos Técnicos y Químicos MPS15.81%
Mutualidad General de la Abogacía, Mutualidad de Previsión Social a Prima Fija14.98%
Jorge Vera Suñé8.12%
Ciganga, S.L.6.00%
Parwing, S.L.5.43%
Rimevi, S.L.5.05%
Grau, S.A.5.00%
Riuaran, S.L.4.44%
Reig Jofre Investments, S.L.4.19%
Adequita Capital (and related parties)3.20%
Free float (52 minority shareholders + treasury stock)27.78%

As of June 30, 2024, the company’s treasury stock consisted of 23,985 shares, representing 0.57% of the share capital.

ADVERO does not hold any relevant stake in a publicly listed company.